Get 5 most recent categories

Okay, seems like this is not supported out of the box. At least I didn’t find any arguments you can use for WP_Term_Query (which is the function used behind get_categories()).

So I had the following idea

  1. retrieve all categories
  2. get latest post from each category
  3. save category id & post date in an array
  4. order by post date
  5. return the 5 most recent category ids
function get_most_recent_categories($limit = 5) {
    // retrieve all categories
    $categories = get_categories();
    $recent_posts = array();
    foreach ($categories as $key=>$category) {
        // get latest post from $category
        $args = array(
            'numberposts' => 1,
            'category' => $category->term_id,
        $post = get_posts($args)[0];
        // save category id & post date in an array
        $recent_posts[ $category->term_id ] = strtotime($post->post_date);

    // order by post date, preserve category_id

    // get $limit most recent category ids
    $recent_categories = array_slice(array_keys($recent_posts), 0, $limit);

    return $recent_categories;