Changing the Category for all posts of an Author

You could do this with a simple script.
IMPORTANT! – Backup your database before doing this & attempt at your own risk.

Create a file called changeauthorcat.php in your main WordPress folder.


include( 'wp-config.php' );

global $wpdb;

// Author username
// New category slug
$newCatSlug = 'examplecategory';

// find the right author
$author = get_user_by( 'login', $username );
// find the right category
$category = get_category_by_slug( $newCatSlug );

if ( $author && $category ) {

    $posts = get_posts( array(
        'numberposts' => -1,
        'author' => $author->ID
    if ( $posts ) {
        foreach ( $posts as $post ) {
            // update all categories
            // the last parameter of false will replace all existing categories
            // see
            wp_set_post_categories( $post->ID, array( $category->term_id ), false );



Change “exampleuser” to the login of the author you want to change. Change “examplecategory” to the slug of the new category.

Navigate to
Delete the file when you’re done.

Note that this will remove every other category from these posts and only place them in the new category. Using the wp_set_post_categories function will update the database with the correct category counts as well. Read more at: