Get last revision author, author-link and date

To get the_modified_author() we have to look in the folder wp-includes and search for the author-template.php.

Line 101 shows:

 * Display the name of the author who last edited the current post,
 * if the author's ID is available.
 * @since 2.8.0
 * @see get_the_author()
function the_modified_author() {
    echo get_the_modified_author();

You can use: <?php echo get_the_modified_author(); ?>

To get the_modified_date(); we will have to take a look in the same folder (wp-includes) and find the file general-template.php.
Line 2251 shows:

 * Retrieve the date on which the post was last modified.
 * @since 2.1.0
 * @param string $d Optional. PHP date format. Defaults to the    "date_format" option
 * @return string
function get_the_modified_date($d = '') {

    if ( '' == $d )
        $the_time = get_post_modified_time(get_option('date_format'), null, null, true);
        $the_time = get_post_modified_time($d, null, null, true);

     * Filter the date a post was last modified.
     * @since 2.1.0
     * @param string $the_time The formatted date.
     * @param string $d        PHP date format. Defaults to value specified in
     *                         'date_format' option.
    return apply_filters( 'get_the_modified_date', $the_time, $d );

You can use: <?php echo get_the_modified_date(); ?>

Please see for more detail:

To get the url from the author which has modified the post as last I suggest to use a function.
(please make first a backup of functions.php and then add this function)

 * Return the URL of the author (who modified post as last)
 * Codex:   {@link}
 *          {@link}
 * @version WordPress 4.6   
function wpse_238105_modified_author_posts_url()
    global $post;

    // Get the ID of the author(meta: _edit_last)
    if ( $id = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_edit_last', true ) )
        // return URL
        echo get_author_posts_url( $id );
} // end function

Note: see the @link urls in the function above for references.

You can now use it as following in a template:

Last modified by <a href="<?php wpse_238105_modified_author_posts_url(); ?>"><?php the_modified_author(); ?> </a> on <?php the_modified_date(); ?>

The name of the author who has modified the post as last is now ‘clickable’.