Get menus created with menu editor?

Maybe this helps :

function get_all_wordpress_menus(){
    return get_terms( 'nav_menu', array( 'hide_empty' => true ) ); 

get_registered_nav_menus only gets the theme’s menu’s and not the clients menu’s.

Source : Paulund
This returns all ID’s. To get the name you can use :

<?php $nav_menu = wp_get_nav_menu_object(ID comes here); echo $nav_menu->name; ?>

All menu objects have the next settings :

Object (
term_id => 7
name => Test menu
slug => Test menu
term_group => 0
term_taxonomy_id => 3
taxonomy => nav_menu
description =>
parent => 0
count => 6

Source : Stanhub Display wordpress menu title