get_header and hook avoid normal call

No, you cannot do that, unfortunately, because get_header( $name ) doesn’t have a filter for the $name (it only passes the name with the action call).

However, if you are willing to modify the header.php file for each site with something like this right at the beginning of the file:

if ( apply_filters( 'load_custom_header', false ) ) {   
    $custom_header = apply_filters( 'get_custom_header', '' );

    if ( '' != $custom_header ) {       
        // Get the header that we just received
        // and call the native 'get_header' function
        // as usual
        get_header( $custom_header );

        // By calling 'return' we are skipping
        // parsing this template any further        

You can then control what header to load like this (you can either place this code in a plugin or in the functions.php file):

// We are hooking to the 'load_custom_header' filter 
// and return a value of 'true' meaning that we want to 
// load a custom header
add_filter( 'load_custom_header', '__return_true', 99 );

add_filter( 'get_custom_header', function( $header ) {
    // Figure out what header you want
    $some_condition = true;

    if ( $some_condition ) {

    return $header;
}, 99 );

The obvious advantage is that you don’t have to modify all of the get_header calls from all of the templates: single.php, page.php etc. you control all of them in a single place.