get_template_directory() returns wrong address on VPS

You can read data on your server with file_get_contents(). If you want to make sure the file exists and is readable then use is_readable(). You don’t really need to use trailingslashit() in this case because you’re constructing the URI yourself.

// path to file under current theme 
$json_file = get_template_directory() . '/inc/includes/acf-fonticonpicker/icons/selection.json';

// make sure the file exists and is readable
if ( is_readable( $json_file ) ) {

    // pull the data but don't give an error if there is a problem
    if ( ! empty ( $json_content = @file_get_contents( $json_file ) ) ) {

        // convert to an array
        $json_array = json_decode( $json_content, true );
    } else {
        // show error message here

Unfortunately file_get_contents() might be flagged in Theme Check.

File systems are funny, if you know it exists then it’s possible that / and \ need to be swapped in the path on occasion.

// /vagrant/site/wp-content/themes/twentysixteen/inc/includes/acf-fonticonpicker/icons/selection.json

$json_file = str_replace("", '\\', $json_file);


$json_file = str_replace("", '\\\\', $json_file);

// \vagrant\site\wp-content\themes\twentysixteen\inc\includes\acf-fonticonpicker\icons\selection.json

Another way is to access via the url.

// url of file
$json_file = get_template_directory_uri() . '/inc/includes/acf-fonticonpicker/icons/selection.json';

// request the file
$response  = wp_remote_get( $json_file );

try {
    // Note that we decode the body's response since it's the actual JSON feed
    $json = json_decode( $response[ 'body' ], true );
} catch( Exception $ex ) {
    $json = NULL;