get_template_directory() still returning path to previous theme

The get_template_directory() and get_template_directory_uri() functions don’t actually echo anything at all. They will make no output at all unless you echo them.

So your code that looks like this:

<img class="frontpageimg" src="<?php get_template_directory(); ?>/images/slogan-2.png">

Should actually cause this output:

<img class="frontpageimg" src="">

Which may not be what you’re expecting. Examine the source of the page. And add that echo, it’s not optional. 🙂

Also, if the theme may have screwed with relative urls and rewrites and such, as Chip suggests, then your browser is caching. Browser caching is notoriously difficult to debug. I like to use Chrome and the inspector tool, because when you have it open, right-clicking on the reload button gives you a “Empty Cache and Hard Reload” which does more what you expect it to do as far as showing the real truth of the matter.