Getting Non-printable characters were found while entering Euro Symbol

I would try using the HTML Unicode versions to see if any of them work, and in the options, you could array them against the full word instead of the symbol.

        'id' => 'before-price-label-for-example-per-month',
        'label' => ' Before Price Label :',
        'type' => 'select',
        'options' => array(
            'euro' => '€',
            'usd' => '$',
    ) ,

Just make sure the first values are unique, since they are the ones being stored in the database. The second values are just labels, so you could say '$euro; - Euro' and '$ - US Dollar' or something to that effect.

I’m a little unsure how this is being used on the front side based on your code, but if you need help with that, please amend your question.