gravity forms : use previous dropdown choice as variable in gform_pre_render? [closed]

Eventually the solution I used was this. Upon change of Dropdown A I have an ajax function request tha re-populated Downdown B with the filtered options based on the selection in Dropdown A.

See the ajax jquery script…

countryFilter = function () {

    var countryClass=".dealer-country select",
        dealerClass=".dealer-name select";


        var countrySelect = $(this),
            country = countrySelect.val(),
            dealerSelect = countrySelect.parents('form').find(dealerClass);

        if(country != "default") {

                type: 'POST',
                url: '<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>',
                data: { dealerCountry : country, action: 'get_dealer_name' },
                success: function(data){
                    var options = $.parseJSON(data);
                        dealerSelect.append('<option value="'+options[i].value+'">'+options[i].text+'</option>');




Which I fired using…

$(document).ready(function () { 



$(document).bind('gform_post_render', function(event, form_id){

    if(form_id == 3) {




I then trimed my original functions to…

    // Dropdown A - Dealer Country
add_filter("gform_pre_render", "dropdown_dealer_country");
add_filter("gform_admin_pre_render", "dropdown_dealer_country");
function dropdown_dealer_country($form){
        if($form["id"] != 3)
           return $form;
        $terms = get_terms("dealer-country");
        $items = array();
        $items[] = array( "text" => __('Select country...','theme'), "value" => 'default' );
        foreach($terms as $term)
            $items[] = array( "text" => $term->name, "value" => $term->slug );
        foreach($form["fields"] as &$field){
            if($field["id"] == 6 ){
                $field["cssClass"] = 'dealer-country';
                $field["choices"] = $items;
        return $form;  

    // Dropdown B - Dealer Name
add_filter("gform_pre_render", "dropdown_dealer_name");
add_filter("gform_admin_pre_render", "dropdown_dealer_name");
function dropdown_dealer_name($form){
        if($form["id"] != 3)
           return $form;
        $items = array();
        $items[] = array( "text" => __('Select dealer...','theme'), "value" => 'default' );
        foreach($form["fields"] as &$field){
            if($field["id"] == 7){
                $field["cssClass"] = 'dealer-name';
                $field["choices"] = $items;
        return $form; 

Then the finishing touch is the function which also goes in the functions.php – this is called by the ajax request…

function get_dealer_name_fn(){
    $dealerCountry = $_POST['dealerCountry'];
    $dealers = get_posts(array(
        "post_type" => "dealer",
        "dealer-country" => $dealerCountry,
        "post_status" => "publish",
        "orderby" => "title",
        "order" => "ASC",
        "posts_per_page"  => -1
    $items = array();
    $items[] = array( "text" => __('Select dealer...','theme'), "value" => 'default' );
    foreach($dealers as $dealer){
        $items[] = array( "text" => $dealer->post_title, "value" => $dealer->post_title );
    echo json_encode($items);
add_action('wp_ajax_get_dealer_name', 'get_dealer_name_fn');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_get_dealer_name', 'get_dealer_name_fn');

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