Horizontal (columned) Contact form 7 and acceptance field on devices

You need a two-third column CSS and a layout like this:

|         .two-third         |  .one-third   |
|  .one-half  |  .one-half   |               |
-----------------------------|    Submit     |
| Name column | Email column |    button     |
-----------------------------|    column     |
|     Acceptance column      |               |

So the CSS rules: (the ... means your code and intact)

.two-third, /* Add this */
.one-fourth {

.one-half { width: 48%; }
.one-third { width: 30.66%; }
.two-third { width: 61.32%; }  /* Add this */
.one-fourth {width: 22%;}


@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    /* Add the .two-third here, or somewhere else where appropriate based on your
       preferred mobile layout / design. */
    .one-half, .one-third, .two-third {

/*Horizontal form only*/

 /* Add this.. */
.wpcf-accept {
  clear: both;


The HTML part: (re-indented for clarity)

<div class="wpcf-wrap">
  <div class="two-third">
    <div class="one-half">
      <label> Your Name (required)
          [text* your-name] </label>

    <div class="one-half last">
      <label> Your E-mail (required)
          [email* your-email] </label>

    <div class="wpcf-accept">
      [acceptance acceptance-487] I accept with <a href="https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/">agreement</a> of
      the personal data processing [/acceptance]
  </div><!-- .two-third -->

  <div class="one-third last">
    [submit "Send"]

Try a demo here.

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