How can I put this JavaScript into WordPress? [closed]

you could filter it onto the end of the_content?

function kia_add_registry_button($content){ ?>
 $content .= "<!-- Start AddToMyRegistry Button Tag --> 
 <script id='scriptMyRegistryWebWidgetButtonScript' type="text/javascript"> 
 document.write("<img id='ImgAddToMyRegistryButton' src="" onmouseover="ImgAddToMyRegistryButton_onmouseover(this);" onmouseout="ImgAddToMyRegistryButton_onmouseout(this);" style="border-width: 0px; cursor: pointer;" onclick='CreateAddToMyRegistryWidget();' />"); 
 function ImgAddToMyRegistryButton_onmouseover(elementParam) 
 function ImgAddToMyRegistryButton_onmouseout(elementParam) 
 <!-- End AddToMyRegistry Button Tag -->";
 return $content;
<?php }

having just worked w/ woocommerce i know that it has quite a few hooks you could also use to attach this to.

this goes into your functions.php and will add this code to the end of every post/page/product… unless we add further refinement with conditional tags.