How do I automate multiple category loops?

You get all categories with:

$categories = get_categories( array ( 'fields' => 'ids' ) );

This returns an array with all categories.

Then you should use get_posts() or a new WP_Query, because query_posts() has many side-effects and should not be used anymore.

Sample code, as illustration:

$categories = get_categories( array ( 'number' => 5 ) );
print '<pre>$categories=" . htmlspecialchars( var_export( $categories, TRUE ), ENT_QUOTES, "utf-8', FALSE ) . '</pre>';

$boxes = array();

foreach ( $categories as $category )
    $boxes[ $category->term_taxonomy_id ]['posts'] = get_posts(
            'numberposts'    => 5,
            'category'       => $category->term_taxonomy_id,
            'posts_per_page' => 3,
            'post_type'      => 'post'
    $boxes[ $category->term_taxonomy_id ]['title'] = $category->category_nicename;

foreach ( $boxes as $cat_id => $box )
        '<h2><a href="$s">%2$s</a></h2>',
        get_category_link( $cat_id ),

    print '<ul>';

    foreach ( $box['posts'] as $post )
            '<li><a href="$s">%2$s</a></li>',
            get_permalink( $post->ID ),
            esc_html( $post->post_title )

    print '</ul>';