Use ACF Category Image for all Taxonomy Archive Views

If you’re on a tags archive would the $current_term not be the tag? rather than the category? a post can be in multiple categories so which category should it pull the image from? or are you associating images with each tag as well as each category and you want the image associated with that tag?

Presuming you want the post to pull through the image from one of the categories it is associated with you either need a way of setting a primary category (I think the Yoast SEO plugin adds this) or you need to have a rule… like you just use the first category in the list. Then you will need to query the category using the post ID to get the object… untested but something like this…

$post_categories = wp_get_post_categories($post_id, array('fields' => 'all'));
$current_term = $post_categories[0];
$author_image = get_field('author_image', $current_term );
echo do_shortcode('[image_shortcode id="'.$author_image.'" image_size="original"]');