The settings API is crap. I need a long time and need try many until I got this working. My problem was that the values from my inputs never was passed to the validate callback.
I end up in using the array method:
<input type="text" name="foo[bar]" value="baz" />
If the formular will be send, in the $_POST
or $_GET
array is a field called foo
that contains an array with all values. So I can access the value with e.g. $_POST['foo']['bar']
If I had to work with the settings API, I use the second parameter fomr register_setting()
(the option name) as key for my input fields.
global $option_name;
$option_group = 'The_Option_Group';
register_setting( $option_group, $option_name );
function field_callback() {
global $option_name;
echo "<input type="text" name="{$option_name}[bar]" value="baz" />";
echo "<input type="submit" name="{$option_name}[submit]" value="Send" />"
In this way I can access all values within the formular in the option validate callback.
function option_validate( $input ) {
$bar = $input['bar'];
$sub = $input['submit'];
return $input;
It’s better explained in the article Settings API Explained on PressCoders