Settings API not Saving to Database or Display

The issue with the data saving lies in this area of the code (all three similar functions).

    '<textarea name="%1$s[$2$s]" id="%3$s" rows="1" cols="30" class="code">%4$s</textarea>',

Or more specifically it’s, this part [$2$s], which should be, [%2$s]. I totally get it though, these specifiers can be fiddly and easy to make typos with, it took running the code to work out where the issue was, i didn’t spot it just glancing at the code.

Moving on..

RE: sanitize_text_field, your code comments say:

// Strips any non a-z, A-Z, or 0-9 characters out of submitted data via sanitization.

The documentation however says:

Checks for invalid UTF-8,
Converts single < characters to entities
Strips all tags
Removes line breaks, tabs, and extra whitespace
Strips octets

You might wish to have a browse through the different sanitize functions and see which matches best with the character restrictions you want for your values.

Not sure about the shortcode atts use, wp_parse_args might be more fitting (although they do very similar things). Setting defaults for options can be done at the time you call get_option, fyi.

$default_values = array(
    'elv_setting_merchant_id' => '0123456',
    'elv_setting_api_user_id' => 'apiusername',
    'elv_setting_api_key' => 'K38qxPvFQhZneeIuygOaqwFuP0vg3DHKN93qfwynyQGMMAtXvb03Ms0ytLeQ1hKL'
$data = get_option( $option_name, $default_values );

And i don’t know if you have plans to change the textarea functions later, but given the 3 textarea functions all do exactly the same and the args are passed into the same places, they could just be a single function (one function to manage instead of three).

function elv_render_settings_field( $args ) {
        '<textarea name="%1$s[%2$s]" id="%3$s" rows="1" cols="30" class="code">%4$s</textarea>',

And then update each add_settings_field to use elv_render_settings_field instead of elv_render_settings_field1, 2, 3.. etc.