You call an instance of a class as in the following:
o = object() # create our instance o() # call the instance
But this will typically give us an error.
Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: 'object' object is not callable
How can we call the instance as intended, and perhaps get something useful out of it?
We have to implement Python special method, __call__
class Knight(object): def __call__(self, foo, bar, baz=None): print(foo) print(bar) print(bar) print(bar) print(baz)
Instantiate the class:
a_knight = Knight()
Now we can call the class instance:
a_knight('ni!', 'ichi', 'pitang-zoom-boing!')
which prints:
ni! ichi ichi ichi pitang-zoom-boing!
And we have now actually, and successfully, called an instance of the class!
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