How does a minimal menu walker look like?

You could create a very simple walker, like this one. To detect the current item, inspect $item->current. It is TRUE for the current item only.

I wouldn’t add a class, but deactivate the useless link completely, because it doesn’t have to be clickable anyway.


class One_Line_Walker extends Walker
    public function walk( $elements, $max_depth )
        $list = array ();

        foreach ( $elements as $item )
            if ( $item->current )
                $list[] = "<b title="You are here">$item->title</b>";
                $list[] = "<a href="$item->url">$item->title</a>";

        return join( "\n", $list );

In your theme use the walker like this:

    array (
        'theme_location'  => 'your_theme_location',
        'walker'          => new One_Line_Walker,
        'container'       => '',
        'items_wrap' => '<p>%3$s</p>',
        'depth'           => 1

See my post about items_wrap for an explanation of <p>%3$s</p>.

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