How to add … after a particular word/character limit to the title

the_title() prints/retrieve the title while get_the_title() retrieve the title.

So your code should be something like this.

<div class="case-breaking__content">
       $out = strlen(get_the_title()) > 50 ? substr(get_the_title(),0,50)."..." : get_the_title(); 
       echo $out;

Note you can use the_title() but it is not recommended here to keep the code clean.

<div class="case-breaking__content">
       $out = strlen(the_title('', '', false)) > 50 ? substr(the_title('', '', false),0,50)."..." : the_title('', '', false); 
       echo $out;

The above code will place ... after 50 characters, However if you want to place it after certain numbers of words, you should go for wp_trim_words().

<div class="case-breaking__content">
      <?php echo wp_trim_words(get_the_title(), 8, '...'); ?>

I hope this may help.