Front page displays different than all other pages?

I’m not very sure how is your title on other pages, but here is how you can modify your title:

<?php wp_title( '|', true, 'right' ); ?>

This will show your Blog’s name right to your page’s title, which will have seo benefits. The | separator will be used here.

If you want to customize your title further, you can use a situational if(), as the following:

<title> <?php if ( is_home() ) { //Your custom title here } else { wp_title(''); } ?> </title>

For custom title, you can use the following outputs:

bloginfo('name') = Displays the “Site Title” set in Settings > General

bloginfo('description') = Displays the “Tagline” set in Settings > General

Or you can simply type your desired title in text format.