How to change or add Woocommerce thank you page URL key content?

you can edit the return url woocommerce provides to gateways by using the filter


some gateway plugins use a different method to get return url by invoking $order->get_checkout_order_received_url() ; which applies the filter


an example would be like :


function override_return_url($return_url,$order){

    //create empty array to store url parameters in 
    $sku_list = array();

    // retrive products in order
    foreach($order->get_items() as $key => $item)
      $product = wc_get_product($item['product_id']);
      //get sku of each product and insert it in array 
      $sku_list['product_'.$item['product_id'] . 'sku'] = $product->get_sku();
    //build query strings out of the SKU array
    $url_extension = http_build_query($sku_list);
    //append our strings to original url
    $modified_url = $return_url.'&'.$url_extension;

    return $modified_url;


result url will be like

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