You can use the WordPres Plugin Directory Slurper shell script by Mark Jaquith to download the the most recent version of all plugins from the repo. Once the plugins have been downloaded, you can grep for the plugin/hook prefix you want to check, e.g.:
grep -r --include=*.php 'wpseo_' ./
Unzip the WordPres Plugin Directory Slurper package to to your document root. The default directory name is WordPress-Plugin-Directory-Slurper
and it contains:
Run the bash script by executing php update
from within the WordPress-Plugin-Directory-Slurper
directory. Zipped plugins will be downloaded to /zips
and extracted to /plugins
. The entire repo is somewhere around 15GB and will take several hours to download the first time.
The contents of the update
$args = $argv;
$cmd = array_shift( $args );
if ( !empty( $args[0] ) ) {
$type = $args[0];
switch ( $type ) {
case 'readme':
$directory = 'readmes';
$download = 'readmes/%s.readme';
case 'all':
$directory = 'plugins';
$download = 'zips/';
echo $cmd . ": invalid command\r\n";
echo 'Usage: php ' . $cmd . " [command]\r\n\r\n";
echo "Available commands:\r\n";
echo " all - Downloads full plugin zips\r\n";
echo " readme - Downloads plugin readmes only\r\n";
echo "Determining most recent SVN revision...\r\n";
try {
$changelog = @file_get_contents( '' );
if ( !$changelog )
throw new Exception( 'Could not fetch the SVN changelog' );
preg_match( '#\[([0-9]+)\]#', $changelog, $matches );
if ( !$matches[1] )
throw new Exception( 'Could not determine most recent revision.' );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
die( $e->getMessage() . "\r\n" );
$svn_last_revision = (int) $matches[1];
echo "Most recent SVN revision: " . $svn_last_revision . "\r\n";
if ( file_exists( $directory . '/.last-revision' ) ) {
$last_revision = (int) file_get_contents( $directory . '/.last-revision' );
echo "Last synced revision: " . $last_revision . "\r\n";
} else {
$last_revision = false;
echo "You have not yet performed a successful sync. Settle in. This will take a while.\r\n";
$start_time = time();
if ( $last_revision != $svn_last_revision ) {
if ( $last_revision ) {
$changelog_url = sprintf( '', $svn_last_revision, $svn_last_revision - $last_revision );
$changes = file_get_contents( $changelog_url );
preg_match_all( '#^' . "\t" . '*\* ([^/A-Z ]+)[ /].* \((added|modified|deleted|moved|copied)\)' . "\n" . '#m', $changes, $matches );
$plugins = array_unique( $matches[1] );
} else {
$plugins = file_get_contents( '' );
preg_match_all( '#<li><a href="[^/]+)/">([^/]+)/</a></li>#', $plugins, $matches );
$plugins = $matches[1];
foreach ( $plugins as $plugin ) {
$plugin = urldecode( $plugin );
echo "Updating " . $plugin;
$output = null; $return = null;
exec( 'wget -q -np -O ' . escapeshellarg( sprintf($download, $plugin) ) . ' ' . escapeshellarg( sprintf($url, $plugin) ) . ' > /dev/null', $output, $return );
if ( $return === 0 && file_exists( sprintf($download, $plugin) ) ) {
if ($type === 'all') {
if ( file_exists( 'plugins/' . $plugin ) )
exec( 'rm -rf ' . escapeshellarg( 'plugins/' . $plugin ) );
exec( 'unzip -o -d plugins ' . escapeshellarg( 'zips/' . $plugin . '.zip' ) );
exec( 'rm -rf ' . escapeshellarg( 'zips/' . $plugin . '.zip' ) );
} else {
echo '... download failed.';
echo "\r\n";
if ( file_put_contents( $directory . '/.last-revision', $svn_last_revision ) )
echo "[CLEANUP] Updated $directory/.last-revision to " . $svn_last_revision . "\r\n";
echo "[ERROR] Could not update $directory/.last-revision to " . $svn_last_revision . "\r\n";
$end_time = time();
$minutes = ( $end_time - $start_time ) / 60;
$seconds = ( $end_time - $start_time ) % 60;
echo "[SUCCESS] Done updating plugins!\r\n";
echo "It took " . number_format($minutes) . " minute" . ( $minutes == 1 ? '' : 's' ) . " and " . $seconds . " second" . ( $seconds == 1 ? '' : 's' ) . " to update ". count($plugins) ." plugin" . ( count($plugins) == 1 ? '' : 's') . "\r\n";
echo "[DONE]\r\n";
If you’d like to download all of the most recent approved themes, there’s a script for that too: WordPress Theme Directory Slurper by Aaron Jorbin.
These shell scripts are designed for a Unix system. If you’re using Windows, you can run the Plugin/Theme Directory Slurper scripts using cygwin.