How to construct a dynamic rewrite rule for child pages that passes more than one query var

First thing to check is make sure you visit permalinks page, or call the flush_rewrite_rules function once after you call add_rewrite_rules otherwise the rule will not get applied.

So to restate your question, is it correct that you’re trying to achieve rewriting this:

To this:

If that’s correct, your code looks like it should work, but if it’s not you should try writing your rewrite rule like this:


This change is to make it clear to the regex that it should never match a / inside any of the matched strings, otherwise it can easily do this and things get complicated.

Remember to either visit the permalinks page, or call the flush_rewrite_rules function once (not on every page load) after you call add_rewrite_rules otherwise the rule will not get applied!

Let me know if that helps