How to create page that lists tags by initial letter?

First Question’s Answer:

For filtering based on your terms first letter you need to filter the query, which you can do with the terms_clauses hook. By putting the below code block in your theme’s functions.php you can do that-

function the_dramatist_filter_term_clauses( $clauses ) {
    $pattern = '|(name LIKE )\'%(.+%)\'|';
    $clauses['where'] = preg_replace($pattern,'$1 \'$2\'',$clauses['where']);
    return $clauses;

Second Question’s Answer:

I don’t think you need to create separate 27 pages for every letter. Rather you can use $_GET variable to do that for you. By using this $_GET variable you can pass the letter as parameter that you need to be and catch this to $name__like = isset($_GET['your_get_variable name']) ? $_GET['your_get_variable name'] : '';. Then pass it to $args array. The array will look like below-

$name__like = isset($_GET['your_get_variable name']) ? $_GET['your_get_variable name'] : '';
$args = array(
    'name__like' => $name__like, 
    'order' => 'ASC', 
    'hide_empty' => 0 // Put 0 If you need to show the empty terms otherwise 1

Hope that helps.