How to disable plupload completely from latest wordpress 3.6 and make browser upload default

This is how the plupload upoader is loaded on Media > Add New

do_action( 'pre-plupload-upload-ui' );

// all the html output for plupload's use

do_action( 'post-plupload-upload-ui' );

If it was this instead:


// all the html output for plupload's use


Then no UI, no plupload:

add_action( 'pre-plupload-upload-ui', 'ob_start' );
add_action( 'post-plupload-upload-ui', 'ob_end_clean' );

However, the Add Media button on the post edit screen is a different ball game. Everything is pure js using backbone. I haven’t got my hands dirty with those classes, yet. Someone else might be able to help with removing the Upload section from it and just have the Gallery. Or, you could

  1. Hide the default Add Media button using js or css.
  2. Hook into do_action( 'media_buttons', $editor_id ); to create your own Add Media button.
  3. Load your own UI.

But I’m not sure if that is a great idea.