How to enqueue a style using wp_enqueue_scripts()?

The second parameter of wp_enqueue_style() is an optional path.You are passing an empty array, which will enqueue nothing.

get_template_directory_uri() retrieves the current theme’s root URI, which you can use in wp_enqueue_style():

  function homepage(){
   if ( is_page_template('page-home.php') ) {
      wp_enqueue_style('home-css', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/flags.min.css', '1.0.0', true );

I mentioned “Optional”, since there is also another way to use wp_enqueue_style. In this method, you can first use wp_register_style, and then enqueue it:

wp_register_style( 'home-css', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/flags.min.css' );

The same works for wp_enqueue_script().

Based on using parent theme or child, you might also want to take a look into get_stylesheet_directory_uri() too.