How to filter query loop block with a search string from the query parameters

To avoid modifying the main query, you might consider adding a custom query variable with PHP:

add_filter( 'query_vars', function( $vars ) {
  $vars[] = 'qls'; // As query-loop-search.
  return $vars;
} );

and use ?qls=foo instead of ?s=foo.

To target the corresponding query loop, add the text :query-loop-search into the search box of the query loop block in the editor.

Then we could grab the value of the custom query variable ?qls=foo and set it as the search variable for the target query with a little more PHP:

add_action( 'pre_get_posts', function( \WP_Query $q ) {
    $qls = $q->get( 'qls' );
    if ( empty( $qls ) || is_admin() || $q->is_main_query() ) {
    if ( $q->is_search() && ':query-loop-search' === trim( $q->get( 's' ) ) ) {
        $q->set( 's', $qls );
} );

This should only apply for sub-queries (from query-loop blocks) on the front-end.

Note that this is untested.

Another approach could be to use Javascript and the built-in REST API to fetch data from a custom search input field.