How to fix : Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function? [closed]

The error describes WordPress attempting to execute an action resulting in Enqueue::css() receiving too few arguments (it requires at least two).

In the constructor you are hooking Enqueue::css() to the wp_enqueue_scripts action. When wp_enqueue_scripts is executed, it receives no additional arguments, so it calls Enqueue::css() with no arguments, triggering the error.

Long story short, all of your methods in the Enqueue class appear to be intended to enqueue scripts and stylesheets – there’s no reason to attach them to *_enqueue_scripts action hooks. While functions hooked to those actions are an ideal place to enqueue scripts, hooking the functions which enqueue the scripts to them makes little sense – it is the equivalent of

add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wp_enqueue_script' );

The immediate solution is to remove all of the add_action() calls from your constructor; longer-term the Enqueue class’s functionality will need to be re-assessed.