How to hide a plugin metabox for non admins when a user adds a new post

You can try to add this line to your code example for the admin_menu filter:

remove_meta_box('awd_fcbk_awd_mini_form_metabox', 'post', 'side');

where awd_fcbk is the plugin slug.


This is the metabox that I’m targeting from the plugin source code:

//Like button manager on post page type
            add_meta_box($this->plugin_slug . "_awd_mini_form_metabox", __('Facebook AWD Manager', $this->ptd) . ' <img style="vertical-align:middle;" style="vertical-align:middle;" src="' . $this->plugin_url_images . 'facebook-mini.png" alt="facebook logo"/>', array(&$this, 'post_manager_content'), $type, 'side', 'core');