how to implement quick sort algorithm in C++

Your consideration is wrong. The value of r does not change, since it is given as value to the Quicksort function(not a reference). You handle the ranges with p,q such that p is the first index in the range and q the first index not in the range.

Thus, your calls were wrong:

r=partition(A, p,q);
quickSort(A,p,r); //range is from A[p] to A[r-1] 
quickSort(A,(r+1),q); //range is from A[r+1] to A[q-1]

Here is the complete example. I used std::swap to change elements and ans std::vector instead of an array.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

void quickSort(vector<int>&,int,int);

int partition(vector<int>&, int,int);

int main()
    vector<int> A = {6,10,13,5,8,3,2,25,4,11};
    int p=0;
    int q=10;

    for(auto e: A)
        cout<< e <<" ";
    cout<< endl;    


    for(auto e: A)
        cout<< e <<" ";
    cout<< endl;   

void quickSort(vector<int>& A, int p,int q)
    int r;
        r=partition(A, p,q);

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