Sorting Linked List C++ with pointers

I have been struggling for hours on end with this problem. My goal is to sort a linked list using only pointers (I cannot place linked list into vec or array and then sort). I am given the pointer to the head node of the list. The only methods i can call on the pointers are head->next (next node) and head->key (value of int stored in node, used to make comparisons). I have been using my whiteboard excessively and have tried just about everything I can think of.

Node* sort_list(Node* head)
   Node* tempNode = NULL;
   Node* tempHead = head;
   Node* tempNext = head->next;

   while(tempNext!=NULL) {

       if(tempHead->key > tempNext->key) {
           tempNode = tempHead;
           tempHead = tempNext;
           tempNode->next = tempNode->next->next;
           tempHead->next = tempNode;
           tempNext = tempHead->next;

        else {  
            tempHead = tempHead->next;
            tempNext = tempNext->next;

    return head;

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