Python Quicksort Runtime Error: Maximum Recursion Depth Exceeded in cmp

You have simply hit the recursion limits. Your list of names is too large for Python’s limited recursion capabilities. Your Quicksort works just fine otherwise. You could raise the recursion limit by setting the limit higher with sys.setrecursionlimit(). You can set it a fair amount higher, but you do so at your own risk. A better option is … Read more

MIPS Recursive Fibonacci Sequence

I’m having trouble dealing with stacks recursively in MIPS. I get the concept, but my program isn’t reacting as I mean it to. My goal is to take user input as n and print the Fibonacci number at n. What I have so far is below. (I’m fairly certain the problem is in the actual … Read more

Understanding Recursion to generate permutations

PaulR has the right suggestion. You have to run through the code by “hand” (using whatever tools you want – debuggers, paper, logging function calls and variables at certain points) until you understand it. For an explanation of the code I’ll refer you to quasiverse’s excellent answer. Perhaps this visualization of the call graph with … Read more

Recursion in Python? RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object

Python lacks the tail recursion optimizations common in functional languages like lisp. In Python, recursion is limited to 999 calls (see sys.getrecursionlimit). If 999 depth is more than you are expecting, check if the implementation lacks a condition that stops recursion, or if this test may be wrong for some cases. I dare to say that … Read more

Python Array Rotation

So I am implementing a block swap algorithm in python. The algorithm I am following is this: Initialize A = arr[0..d-1] and B = arr[d..n-1] 1) Do following until size of A is equal to size of B a) If A is shorter, divide B into Bl and Br such that Br is of same … Read more