Looks like a syntax error.
Change this:
return( $title );
to this:
return $title;
Sorry; mis-read your question.
I believe the question is entirely Theme-dependent. The description normally is output in the template via bloginfo( 'description' )
. The bloginfo()
function uses get_bloginfo()
, which uses a simple switch, and for the description
parameter, the function simply returns get_option( 'blogdescription' )
So, I’m not seeing any filters being applied anywhere in that process.
Have you taken a look at what any of the myriad SEO Plugins do with respect to the description meta tag?
Any ideas?
Short of writing a core patch, to add a wp_description()
wrapper function, complete with apply_filters()
call, around get_bloginfo( 'description' )
? Not really…
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