For anyone who might stumble upon this, I’ve found a solution:
In my particular case, I’m using a single-[taxonomy].php template file, and was able to add the shortcode manually via the WordPress function do_shortcode() instead of modifying a shortcode within the post content.
Here’s how I wrote it:
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[mstw_schedule_table sched="'.$sports_slug.'" ]' ); ?>
And here’s how I got the $sports_slug to work for me. Previously in the file (outside the loop) :
// Get this post's sport taxonomy -
$sports = get_the_terms($post->ID, 'sport');
$sports_slug = '';
if ($sports) {
foreach ($sports as $sport) {
$sports_slug = $sport->slug;
This code is slightly less complicated than what I used ( I needed to select only non-parent sport taxonomies ) but this simplified version may help someone else. These links helped me along the way: