Enable shortcodes on custom post type

You shouldn’t have to change anything to get them to work. In your php you can just echo the shortcode:

// Use shortcode in a PHP file (outside the post editor).
echo do_shortcode( '' );

// In case there is opening and closing shortcode.
echo do_shortcode( '[iscorrect]' . $text_to_be_wrapped_in_shortcode . '[/iscorrect]' );

// Enable the use of shortcodes in text widgets.
add_filter( 'widget_text', 'do_shortcode' );

// Use shortcodes in form like Landing Page Template.
echo do_shortcode( '[contact-form-7 id="91" title="quote"]' );

// Store the short code in a variable.
$var = do_shortcode( '' );
echo $var;