If you don’t care about the URL of this page, you can do it without Ajax, using $_GET
parameters. Take a look:
// If we have $_GET parameter in URL, we save it in $page variable. Otherwise $page will be empty.
( isset( $_GET['page'] ) ) ? $page = ( int ) $_GET['page'] : $page="";
if ( $page != '' ) :
// If $page variable is not empty, we get post(page) by ID
$header_page = get_post( $page );
// Then we can print anything we want, using this post object: title, content, custom fields, thumbnail, etc.
echo $header_page->post_title; // Post title
echo apply_filters( 'the_content', $header_page->post_content ); // Post content
echo get_post_meta( $page, 'custom_meta_key', 1 ); // Any custom field
echo get_the_post_thumbnail ( $page, 'post-thumbnail' ); // Post thumbnail
// Our links will look like so:
?><a href="https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/202566/<?php echo $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI']; ?>?page=123">Some title</a><?php
// Here 123 is ID of page, which content we want to show.
When you click on such a link, you will go to the same page, but with a new parameter in the URL. For example:
http://site.ru/page -> http://site.ru/page?page=123.
But if you want to have “clean” urls, then you’ll need Ajax.