How to store multiple values in 1 meta_key with radio input?


I’m not sure how you have the radio button set up, but WordPress easily handles multiple values in one meta_key. You simply need to place the values in an array before sending it to update_post_meta. For instance:

$array = array( 'foo' => 'foo_value', 'bar' => 'bar_value' );
update_post_meta( $id, 'my_meta_key', $array );

WordPress automatically serializes this array on the way in and unserializes it on the way out.

My personal recommendation would be to save the two pieces of data as separate pieces of metadata. By serializing the array and sending it to the database, you lose the ability to query for the individual piece of information.

Finally, you should make sure to sanitize/validate your data when saving it to the database and escape it on display. The Codex has a nice article on how to do this: