You have to register your quick edit custom box:
function display_custom_quickedit_book( $column_name, $post_type ) {
// it would be a good idea to add a nonce here
<fieldset class="inline-edit-col-right inline-edit-book">
<div class="inline-edit-col column-<?php echo $column_name; ?>">
<label class="inline-edit-group">
<!-- here goes your input -->
add_action( 'quick_edit_custom_box', 'display_custom_quickedit_book', 10, 2 );
And then you have to process the input value while saving post. But if that field is already a custom box, then you’ve already modified save_post
to process it, I guess…
And there are a few more tricks with setting values and so on. You can read more on that on Codex:
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