Need help saving input fields for Security Deposit plugin in WC Vendors page

You will need to add a custom field to the product-edit form, saving is done automatically if you correctly format your input id.

WCVendors_Pro_Form_Helper::input( array(  
     'type'      => 'checkbox',
     'post_id'   => $object_id, 
     'id'     => 'wcv_custom_product__wc_security_deposits_enable', 
     'label'    => __( 'Ingredients', 'wcvendors-pro' ), 
     'placeholder'   => __( 'Ingredients', 'wcvendors-pro' ), 
     'desc_tip'    => 'true', 
     'description'   => __( 'Enable this to collect a security deposit for this product', 'wcvendors-pro' ), 
) );

Add this to your product-edit.php template. Override the template and place it in your themes directory. See my documentation on how to override templates here: