In AngularJS, what’s the difference between ng-pristine and ng-dirty?

The ng-dirty class tells you that the form has been modified by the user, whereas the ng-pristine class tells you that the form has not been modified by the user. So ng-dirty and ng-pristine are two sides of the same story.

The classes are set on any field, while the form has two properties, $dirty and $pristine.

You can use the $scope.form.$setPristine() function to reset a form to pristine state (please note that this is an AngularJS 1.1.x feature).

If you want a $scope.form.$setPristine()-ish behavior even in 1.0.x branch of AngularJS, you need to roll your own solution (some pretty good ones can be found here). Basically, this means iterating over all form fields and setting their $dirty flag to false.

Hope this helps.

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