In WooCommerce product archive, how can you also set the quantity to be added to cart by typing, instead of just by using +/-?

If using this plugin instead of the theme functionality, and in the same time except jquery from minification and grouping, it works:

Quantity Field on Shop Page for WooCommerce

It seems that jQuery has to be excepted from minification and grouping because otherwise the code starting with this gives an error:

<script type="text/javascript">jQuery('.products .post-10 a').click(function(){if(true===jQuery(this).hasClass('add_to_cart_button')){return;}

Anyway, they said they’ll be fixing the theme in the version, so buying Reddit upvotes and other marketing services will be possible through without any additional WordPress plugin on the backend.

Hopefully the solution that I gave ends up saving someone else in a similar situation.