The width and height are [1]
and [2]
. So these are added on the img tag. If a theme has html5 caption support this outputs mangled html if you have a caption (it’s pretty standard these days).
Corrected to check if there is a caption and return the WP shortcode or if no caption, then use the figure markup. Tested and works.
function html5_insert_image( $html, $id, $caption, $title, $align, $url, $size, $alt ) {
if( empty( $caption ) ) :
$src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $id, $size, false );
$html = "<figure id=\"post-$id media-$id\" class=\"align-$align\">";
if ( $url ) {
$html .= "<a href=\"$url\" class=\"image-link\"><img src=\"$src[0]\" width=\"$src[1]\" height=\"$src[2]\" alt=\"$alt\" /></a>";
} else {
$html .= "<img src=\"$src[0]\" width=\"$src[1]\" height=\"$src[2]\" alt=\"$alt\" />";
$html .= "</figure>";
return $html;
add_filter( 'image_send_to_editor', 'html5_insert_image', 10, 9 );