Yes, it is possible. And there’s an easy guide here.
Below is a working code you can add to the theme’s main functions.php file:
// Adds a custom rule type.
add_filter( 'acf/location/rule_types', function( $choices ){
$choices[ __("Other",'acf') ]['wc_prod_attr'] = 'WC Product Attribute';
return $choices;
} );
// Adds custom rule values.
add_filter( 'acf/location/rule_values/wc_prod_attr', function( $choices ){
foreach ( wc_get_attribute_taxonomies() as $attr ) {
$pa_name = wc_attribute_taxonomy_name( $attr->attribute_name );
$choices[ $pa_name ] = $attr->attribute_label;
return $choices;
} );
// Matching the custom rule.
add_filter( 'acf/location/rule_match/wc_prod_attr', function( $match, $rule, $options ){
if ( isset( $options['taxonomy'] ) ) {
if ( '==' === $rule['operator'] ) {
$match = $rule['value'] === $options['taxonomy'];
} elseif ( '!=' === $rule['operator'] ) {
$match = $rule['value'] !== $options['taxonomy'];
return $match;
}, 10, 3 );
You’d get something like this on the ACF create/edit Field Group screen:
UPDATED Sep 25 2018 (UTC)
In the function for matching the rule on the term edit page, the $options['ef_taxonomy']
has been changed to $options['taxonomy']
— back then, the array key taxonomy
didn’t exist (in my case), and it exists now, which I think replaces the ef_taxonomy
key. Thanks @JordanCarter for noticing the key issue, and @VadimH for the initial answer’s edit. =)
In that function, I also added the if ( isset( $options['taxonomy'] ) )
check to avoid PHP’s “undefined” notice. Thanks @JordanCarter for noticing this.
@VadimH, you can use get_field( '{NAME}', 'term_{TERM ID}' )
to retrieve (and display) the field’s value, like so:
$term_id = 123;
$value = get_field( 'my_field', 'term_' . $term_id );
See the “Get a value from different objects” section on the get_field()
‘s official documentation.
PS: The whole code (not just the get_field()
) was last tried and tested on ACF 5.7.6 and ACF PRO 5.7.3, with WooCommerce 3.4.5.