Issue displaying multiple TinyMCE editors with WPAlchemy

Possibly a simpler way to handle this problem is just use the new wp_editor function (introduced in 3.3). The main drawback is described in the function description:

… you cannot put it in meta-boxes that can be dragged and placed elsewhere on the page.

Technically, you can, it’s just not going to play nice if someone’s trying to drag-n-drop it around.

This is the way I do it:

<?php $mb->the_field('example'); 
        $settings = array('textarea_name' => $mb->get_the_name() ) 

The function description lists a bunch of the settings you can change (media buttons, teeny editor, size, what buttons appear, etc).

The function description also says something about ONLY LOWERCASE LETTERS IN THE ID ASLKDF JALKS JQ L!!! L!KJ!L NO REALLY WE MEAN IT.

The function handles (_) underscores and [] brackets fine, just don’t mess with uppercase letters or (-) dashes.