Renaming Menu Item within Admin Menu Section for a Custom Post Type?


I think you already asked about this and I gave you an answer that would address this question too:

In that answer I gave you a library you can use to make interacting with the admin menus super easy. Here’s what you’d have to do to achieve your stated goal on this question:

function my_admin_menu() {
  rename_admin_menu_section('Articles','Manage Articles');`  

P.S. BTW, I noticed there were 4 answers provided on that question which you asked almost a week ago, but you haven’t gone back an selected any of the answers as the correct answer. Since you have been here asking a lot of questions I know it’s not like you’ve not been around; please take time to select the best answer for your questions as soon as you have a viable answer otherwise people might become demotivated to keep answering. Something this consider…

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