Issues loading Jquery on WordPress website

  1. Don’t enqueue your own version of jQuery. You’re just going to cause conflict issues with other plugins and there’s nothing in your script that requires a different version.
  2. Even if you were, just load the https:// version, there’s no reason to bother checking what your own server is doing.
  3. Don’t bother checking !is_admin() on your enqueue function, wp_enqueue_scripts doesn’t even run in admin.
  4. Don’t add script tags in templates, use wp_enqueue_script().
  5. The proper way, these days, to get the URL to a theme file is get_theme_file_uri().
  6. When you say “I have used this script just BEFORE the </body> tag in my functions.php :”, you don’t actually mean your </body> tag is in functions.php do you?

Put all together, your code should just be this, in your functions.php file:

function wpse_283386_enqueue_scripts() {
    wp_enqueue_script( 'menu-hover', get_theme_file_uri( 'js/menu-hover.js' ), array( 'jquery' ), '', true );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wpse_283386_enqueue_scripts' );

The only reasons it wouldn’t work after this are:

  1. The IDs you’re targeting in your script don’t exist.
  2. The classes you’re adding and removing don’t do anything in your CSS.
  3. /wp-content/themes/{your theme}/js/menu-hover.js doesn’t exist.