Blur.js with WordPress – Enqueued, but server not finding file

  • First triple check your file and path names for spelling mistakes.
  • Then check the permissions of the .js file
  • Then take the URL from your source and open it in your browser first without the ?ver=3.8.1. Do you get a 404 in your browser as well?

Then you say you call your script after the head. How exactly? Manually written into a template file?

Also I noticed this in your script that you bind jquery to $ but then call the selector with jQuery again


You can replace the jQuery in the 2nd line with $. I am not that into jQuery but this might solve your problem with the error you said you head earlier.

Also both of your scripts do not have jQuery as dependency, your enabling script uses jQuery so put array( 'jquery') as dependency into your wp_enqeue_script call and check of jquery gets loaded inside the head. I would do this even if other scripts are loading jQuery anyway.

// Any chance you have a Adblocker installed, I had something like this once and after hours I figured out that Adblock was blocking a script that had something to to with social icons and I had the antisocial filter lists enabled ^^