List of posts by day of the week

What about using just get_posts (removing the order_by argument), then looping through to create and array of programs, then building the output from that:

$posts = get_posts(array('post_type'=>'programas','meta_key'=>'audio_date'));

$programs = array();
foreach ($posts as $post) {
    $days = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'audio_date', true );
    // $time = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'audio_time', true);
    $found = false;
    foreach ($days as $day) {
         if (!$found) {$programs[$day][] = $post; $found = true;}
    // foreach ($days as $day) {$programs[$day][$time] = $post;}

// start at today, loop for 7 days
$today = date('w'); 
for ($i = $today; $i < ($today + 7); $i++) {
    // fix to the actual day if value is over 6
    if ($i > 6) {$day = $i - 7;} else {$day = $i;}

    // could do this bit programmatically too
    if ($day == 0) {$daytitle = "<b>Sunday</b><br>";}
    if ($day == 1) {$daytitle = "<b>Monday</b><br>";}
    if ($day == 2) {$daytitle = "<b>Tuesday</b><br>";}
    if ($day == 3) {$daytitle = "<b>Wednesday</b><br>";}
    if ($day == 4) {$daytitle = "<b>Thursday</b><br>";}
    if ($day == 5) {$daytitle = "<b>Friday</b><br>";}
    if ($day == 6) {$daytitle = "<b>Saturday</b><br>";}

    if (isset($programs[$day])) {
        $output .= $daytitle;
        foreach ($programs[$day] as $time => $post) {
            $output .= $post->post_title;
            // $output .= " (".$time.");
            $output .= "<br>";

echo $output;

Of course, there may be another level of sorting complexity needed if you wanted to display the program times also, for now I have added some commented lines for that too.