Made WordPress URL and site address URL the same

To fix your problem, you need either, phpMyAdmin or FTP access to your site.

phpMyAdmin method

Open your database and select wp_options table. Locate row with
option_name = ‘siteurl’. Click on Edit. In option_value field enter Click Go button to save it.
Repeat this for option_name = ‘home’. Exit phpMyAdmin and go to

FTP method

Connect to your site with your favourite FTP client. Download your wp-config.php file. Edit this file by adding define( 'RELOCATE', true );
line, just before /* That's all, stop editing! */ comment line. Save and upload it back to your site. Go to Login as usual. Go to Dashboard ->
Settings -> General and change WordPress Address (URL) and Site
Address (URL)
fields, to their correct values. Now you can remove or comment out define( 'RELOCATE', true ); line in wp-config.php.