wordpress copyright dynamic

The fastest way is to look for the current copyright text inside your theme’s footer.php file and substitute it with something more of your liking.

My suggestion, as I don’t know what you mean for “dynamic”, is to substitute the current text with a function call, like <?php my_copyright_text() ?>, and then define that function in your theme’s function.php file in which you do whatever you need to do.

function my_copyright_text(){

  $year = date("Y",time());
  $company = "Mycompany.com";
  echo "© 2018-$year $company"; //this is effectively HTML code

As the output of the function is HTML code you can insert tags and css classes as you like. For example "© 2018-$year <span class="company">Mycompany.com</span>".

It is strongly suggested to use a child theme, as not to let theme updates overwrite your tweaks.

If you feel brave you can put some of the parameters in the theme customizer, take a look here.