Alright I figured it out. Thank you guys.
What it came down to was a little snippet of code I put in a while back to redirect a user to the home page if not logged in…. stupid me.
I really appreciate your help in this though. By disabling everything but wordpress (all plugins, caching, everything.) it still happened. I decided to change the theme used on my root site to the same theme used on the sub-sites and it resulted in an endless redirect. boom. That’s when the light turned on.
Thanks again!
And if anybody wants that code, here it is: it word pretty well! 🙂
<?php if (
!in_array($GLOBALS['pagenow'], array('wp-login.php', 'wp-register.php'))
&& !is_admin()
&& !is_user_logged_in()
) {
wp_redirect('', 301);
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